Aquaculture CIG: Climate change impacts for aquaculture | Seafish

Aquaculture CIG: Climate change impacts for aquaculture

Date: 27 May 2021

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: Online

Register for event
This meeting will provide a global perspective on climate change impacts for aquaculture and start to look at adaptation responses.

Climate change is an important strategic challenge for fisheries and aquaculture. Join us at our next Aquaculture Common Issues Group (ACIG) bite-size meeting 'Climate change impacts for aquaculture'; the first in a series of bite-size meetings, which will look at the climate change impacts for aquaculture.

We will cover the mitigation measures and adaptation responses that could be adopted; how we can positively link aquaculture growth to climate change mitigation measures; and programmes and projects on the ground.

A bag of harvested mussels onboard a fishing vessel
A bag of harvested mussels onboard a fishing vessel

Event Programme

Introductions and general housekeeping
The global perspective on climate change impacts for aquaculture
  • Xinhua Yuan
    Team Leader, Aquaculture Technology and Production Group, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Warm water prawns in the UK and internationally how hurricanes have impacted production
  • Jonathan Newman
    Flo-Gro Fresh
Adaptation responses in aquaculture serving the UK
  • Lynne Falconer
    University of Stirling
  • Angus Garrett
End of Event

How to register

To register for this event please contact Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications.

Further information

Please note, there is a maximum capacity of 100 attendees for this webinar.

Once you've successfully registered for this event, you will receive an event registration confirmation email from Eventbrite, which will include the link to access the event.

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