Aquaculture CIG: Digitalisation in aquaculture | Seafish

Aquaculture CIG: Digitalisation in aquaculture

Date: 24 March 2022

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: Online

Email Karen Green to register for this event
Our next ACIG meeting will look at how data technologies can help improve precision farming and farming practices.

Innovation in new technologies, especially tools using big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence allow companies in the aquaculture production sector to increase their efficiency, in terms of production methods, resource use, capital expenditure and sustainability.

It has been estimated that currently less than 100,000 farmers are using full-suite digital solutions. While not all farmers can afford full-suite coverage, partial digital solutions are proving beneficial for farmers of all sizes. This Aquaculture Common Issues Group bite-size meeting will look at how improvements in precision farming, farming practices and profitability can be achieved with the help of data technologies, and how increased forecasting and modelling capabilities may improve management decisions.

Event Programme

Introductions and general housekeeping
The digital blue revolution – an overview
  • Willem van der Pijl, Editor-in-Chief Aqua Insights, AquaSpark.
Applying breakthrough technological developments to aquaculture
  • Nathan Pyne-Carter, CEO, Ace Aquatec
The digital transformation of oyster farming
  • James Horton, Chief Technology Officer, SmartOysters
End of event

How to register

To register for this event please email Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications (link opens in a new window).

Further information

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