CLG: How the seafood industry must back up sustainability claims | Seafish

CLG: How the seafood industry must back up sustainability claims

Date: 26 March 2024

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: Online

Email Karen Green to register for this event
This meeting will look at the implications of new reporting frameworks for the UK and global seafood supply chains.

In December 2023, the European Parliament, Council and Commission reached a political deal on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The aim of this Directive is to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour, and to anchor human rights and environmental considerations in companies’ operations and corporate governance.

In January this year the European Parliament adopted a Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition. Under this Directive generic environmental claims and other misleading product information will be outlawed, and only sustainability labels based on approved certification schemes or established by public authorities will be allowed.

These two Directives are both in the pipeline, but more immediately we have seen a series of lawsuits related to seafood sustainability claims and eco-labels that have impacted the marketing strategies of seafood businesses.

This all indicates a shift in responsibility, and the evolution of voluntary reporting frameworks. This meeting will look at the implications of new reporting frameworks for the UK and global seafood supply chains.

Event Programme

Introductions and general housekeeping
Due diligence frameworks, greenwashing and sustainability claims.
  • Rory Oake, Ardea International.
Food Data Transparency Partnership.
  • Lindsay Roome and James Schutte, Defra.
Defining seafood sustainability through certification: supporting CSRD and beyond.
  • David Dietz, Global Seafood Alliance.
Consumer demand for sustainability – foodservice perspective.
  • Robin Hancock, Wright Bros Ltd.
Event ends

How to register

To register for this event please email Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications (link opens in a new window).

Further information

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