FMIG: Fisheries data and Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) | Seafish

FMIG: Fisheries data and Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

Date: 15 March 2023

Time: 10.30 am - 3.30 pm

Location: Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London. NW1 2BJ

Email Karen Green to register for this event
This meeting will look at Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) now, and how it can be used in the future to improve fisheries data collection.

This Fisheries Management and Innovation Group (FMIG) meeting is taking place at Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London. NW1 2BJ. The venue is conveniently located virtually opposite Euston station, and a 10 minute walk from Kings Cross/St Pancras railway station.

This is an in person only FMIG meeting.

Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) is a powerful and tool that can show where/when boats are fishing, how they are fishing and what is being removed from the water. The installation of cameras, GPS and sensors on board vessels to monitor fishing activity at sea, can enable fishers to demonstrate to their customers that they are operating in a sustainable way, using best practice and the highest levels of selectivity. Equally, it puts fishers at the heart of the data collection process, and can enhance existing data collection methods, and contribute to more responsive fisheries management.

This meeting will look at the scientific and management benefits of REM and how it is currently being used. It will also explore how we can use REM, and advancements in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), to modernise the way in which we collect and manage fisheries data, to enhance our scientific capability and knowledge. 

Event Programme

10.30 am - 12.30 pm
How REM is being used now
The Government and legislative position.
  • Colin Faulkner, External Fisheries Negotiations & Trade Policy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
Devon and Severn IFCA REM project.
  • Mat Mander, Chief Officer, Devon and Severn IFCA
The picture in Scotland.
  • David Hill, Marine Scotland.
REM successes in the last 10 years - relationship building between industry science and fisheries management.
  • David Stevens, Crystal Seas.
Panel session
  • Full speaker line-up + Dale Rodmell, EEFPO
1.30pm - 3.30pm
Future opportunities for REM.
The EveryFish project.
  • John Reidar, SINTEF.
REM technology and advice.
  • Jason Bryan, Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.
Defra’s vision for REM and upcoming consultation. Elinor Brett and Imogen Cessford, Defra.
  • Elinor Brett and Imogen Cessford, Defra.
Panel session
  • Full speaker line-up.
3.30 pm
Event ends

How to register

To register for this event please email Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications (link opens in a new window).

Further information

Once you've successfully registered for this event, you will receive an event registration confirmation email from Eventbrite, which will include the link to access the event.

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