SECLG: Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188 | Seafish

SECLG: Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188

Date: 05 July 2022

Time: 10.30 am - 3.30 pm

Location: Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London. NW1 2BJ

Email Karen Green to register for this event
This meeting will provide a forum for a broad discussion around driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO C. 188

This Seafood Ethics Common Language Group (SECLG) is taking place at Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London. NW1 2BJ. The venue is conveniently located virtually opposite Euston station, and a 10 minute walk from Kings Cross/St Pancras railway station. This is the first in person SECLG meeting since January 2020.

Our theme for the day is driving improvement through effective implementation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention (ILO C. 188).

This Convention sets out basic standards of decent work in the fishing industry. It came into force in November 2017. The UK ratified the Convention in January 2019. To date it has been ratified by 20 countries.

This meeting will explore what ratification and implementation means for workers and seafood businesses, and how we can work towards wider adoption of this convention and other key instruments.

The afternoon session will focus on the UK and the role of different supply chain actors in supporting effective implementation of C.188.

The aim of this meeting is to provide a forum to bring together all parties in the supply chain to look at this as a shared problem, explore shared collective solutions and collaborate. The hope is to agree to convene a roundtable to develop a definitive time-bound action plan

Event Programme

10.30 am to 12.30 pm
Drivers to improvement
Work in Fishing Convention (C. 188) - the international context
  • Brandt Wagner, ILO.
The Spanish experience of ratifying and implementing C.188
  • Javier Garat
    Secretary General of the Spanish Fishing Confederation
  • Juan Manuel Trujillo
    Head of the Fisheries Section of the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF)
  • Julio Moron
    Managing Director, OPAGAC
The implementation of ILO C. 188 in the UK
  • Julie Carlton
    Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
Steps taken by industry to implement ILO C. 188 in the UK
  • Derek Cardno
    Scottish Fishermen's Federation
1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
UK context - The role of different supply chain actors in supporting effective implementation of C.188
Achieving Fairness in Fishing
  • Tina Barnes
    Seafarers Charity
Panel session
  • Elspeth MacDonald, Fishermen's Welfare Alliance
  • Tina Barnes, Seafarers Charity
  • Jess Sparks, University of Nottingham
  • Marc Evans, Fishermen's Mission TBC
  • Julia Black, Hilton Food Group
  • One further panellist TBC
3:30 pm
Meeting ends

How to register

To register for this event please email Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications (link opens in a new window).

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Seafood Issues Groups

The SECLG is one of a number of Seafish-facilitated discussion forums which focus on the integrity of the seafood supply chain. These groups provide a discussion platform for some of the most important issues facing the seafood industry, particularly in relation to the responsible sourcing of seafood. They are an opportunity for all those involved in the seafood supply chain to reach a consensus on common issues.

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