SECLG: Driving improvements in labour standards | Seafish

SECLG: Driving improvements in labour standards

Date: 01 March 2022

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: Online

Email Karen Green to register for this event
Our next SECLG meeting will look more closely at collaborative initiatives to drive the improvement of working conditions for fishers.

Under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), all business enterprises have a responsibility to respect human rights. The UK ratified the International Labour Organization Work in Fishing Convention (c188) in 2019. The Convention is intended to create a level playing field globally, force out sub-standard operations and provide minimum standards for decent work onboard fishing vessels.

This Seafood Ethics Common Language Group (SECLG) bite-size meeting will look more closely at collaborative initiatives to drive the improvement of working conditions for fishers who commercially fish in UK waters and/or on UK flagged vessels, as well as globally.

Event Programme

Introductions and general housekeeping
Waitrose survey on the experiences of crew on Scottish fleets
  • Sam Ludlow-Taylor
  • Amy Morris
Minimum conditions for social certification in the seafood supply chain
  • Andrea Albertazzi
    European Transport Workers' Federation
The role of the SEA Alliance and its participating companies
  • Andy Hickman
    SEA Alliance
The Cape Town Agreement and how its ratification helps global governance
  • Huw Thomas
    Pew Trusts
End of event

How to register

To register for this event please email Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications (link opens in a new window).

Further information

Once you've successfully registered for this event, you will receive an event registration confirmation email from Eventbrite, which will include the link to access the event.

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Seafood Issues Groups

The SECLG is one of a number of Seafish-facilitated discussion forums which focus on the integrity of the seafood supply chain. These groups provide a discussion platform for some of the most important issues facing the seafood industry, particularly in relation to the responsible sourcing of seafood. They are an opportunity for all those involved in the seafood supply chain to reach a consensus on common issues.