Learn from the comfort of your home or work place | Seafish

Learn from the comfort of your home or work place

Richard Wardell, Onshore Training Advisor, analyses how training delivery has been adapted during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The way we learn at work, school or university has changed dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of us now use Zoom or Microsoft Teams for training courses and lectures. There’s also been an increase in the use of online or eLearning resources during the past year. At Seafish we’ve been working closely with our partners to make sure our training programmes are easily accessible and fit for purpose.

Learning resources for our Elementary Food Hygiene and Health & Safety qualifications have been available online since 2018. During 2020 we developed a robust system with our approved invigilators so that exams could be carried out online too. Online learning and exams have proved popular and we’ve received great feedback from the people who completed courses. One of our recent online learners said:

“Very accessible and enjoyable training materials to read and learn from. Received all the support required from my invigilator so that the process ran smoothly and hassle free.”

Over the past ten months, we have also reviewed how we deliver our taught training courses. We are now able to deliver many of these courses remotely using video conferencing. Courses available include:

Before lockdown, our Bivalve Purification Operations course was delivered face to face in a classroom and followed by an invigilated exam. This all took place in one day. The course is now delivered via Zoom across two half days with the exam also taking place online at the end of the second half day. Trainer Martin Syvret said:

“The beauty of delivering the programme across two half days is that it provides more flexibility to employers. Many learners have stated that the remote delivery saves them precious time and money as they no longer have to travel to a venue to complete the course and their exam.”
Martin Syvret, Seafish approved trainer

Our Intermediate Food Hygiene qualification and our Elementary HACCP training course are both available as an eLearning programme. ELearning packages allow students to adapt to a learning routine that fits in with their lifestyle. Jean Meikle of the Scottish Seafood Association has supported candidates for the Intermediate Food Hygiene eLearning course. She says:

“The benefit of this style of learning is that it allows the individual to study where and when they want to and at a pace that is suitable to their needs. They can also choose when to complete their exam, based around their work commitments.”
Jean Meikle, Seafish approved invigilator

We’ve had supportive feedback which shows that these methods of studying are both enjoyable and effective. Over 85% of our learners said they are more likely to use remote and eLearning or a mixture of training delivery methods in future. The overall rating for their online/remote training and exam experience is 4.6 out of 5.

To find out more or book a course for yourself or your staff email onshore@seafish.co.uk.