Marine Environment News in Brief - August 2020 | Seafish

Marine Environment News in Brief - August 2020

Our monthly marine environment news update for August 2020

Fisheries Bill 

The Fisheries Bill has completed its passage through the House of Lords and was presented to the House of Commons at the beginning of July. Debate on the main principles of the Bill are expected to start on 1 September.

The Fisheries Bill debates can be viewed on the Parliamentary website.

MMO vision for the next 10 years

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched its aims and ambitions for the next 10 years for English waters. They plan to actively support the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan, including net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and protecting 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030. They also aim to modernise fisheries control systems and complete the marine plans for England. 

Read the MMO vision on their website.

English Marine Plans Update

Following the consultation earlier this year, the MMO has published a summary of responses. They are currently updating the draft plans. When finalised, they will be submitted to the Secretary of State for adoption.

Read the Marine Plan consultation summary on the government website. 

NCC’s response to Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan Progress Report 

The 25-Year Environment Plan promised action and policies to maximise environmental and economic outcomes. In June the Government published a report on the progress made towards achieving this long-term vision. The Natural Capital Committee (NCC) have now published their response to that report. They conclude that government is not on course to achieve its objective to improve the environment within a generation. Consequently, the next generation will inherit a poorer set of natural assets. The report also makes recommendations for a green economic recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak.

Read the 25-Year Environment Plan Progress Report and the NCC report on the government website.

Defra evidence statement on value of marine and coastal areas for health and well-being

Over a third of the UK population live within five kilometres of the coast and approximately 17% live in coastal communities. The evidence gathered by Defra indicates that living near to or visiting the marine and coastal environment has positive effects on human physical and mental health and well-being.

Read the evidence statement on the government website.

APPG policy brief on ‘Wellbeing, Welfare and Life at Sea’

Focused on the fishing industry, the Wellbeing, Welfare and Life at Sea policy brief from the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) discusses the threats to fishing communities’ health and wellbeing. It includes problems regarding access to services, and how these issues can be addressed.

Read Wellbeing, Welfare and Life at Sea policy brief on the APPG website.


  • 24 September 2020: Environment Agency consultation on future of rivers covering challenges such as dry weather, climate change, pollution and invasive non-native species.
  • 22 October: Welsh Government consultation on reducing single use plastic use in Wales.


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