Plans to grow aquaculture in England underway | Seafish

Plans to grow aquaculture in England underway

Seafood2040 programme has appointed Poseidon to develop national aquaculture strategy for England

A strategy to grow the aquaculture sector in England over the next 20 years is underway. It has been commissioned by Seafood 2040 (SF2040), an England-only strategic and collaborative two-year programme facilitated by Seafish in partnership with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and seafood industry partners. 

Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd (Poseidon) has been appointed to develop the English Aquaculture Strategy and will work with SF2040’s Aquaculture Leadership Group to shape the strategy and the plan to deliver it.

The Strategy’s development is timely, as it will benefit from a strong Defra commitment, as well as supporting work including the government’s review of the aquaculture regulatory framework and the forthcoming ‘Size of the Aquaculture Prize’ report from Seafish. This is an analysis of the economic opportunities associated with sustainable bivalve shellfish aquaculture growth in the UK.

It is anticipated the English Aquaculture Strategy will be action-oriented, presenting a series of growth targets for the next 20 years. It will enable the industry to realise its sustainable growth potential, encourage a strong government mandate and increase attractiveness to private investors. 

Neil Auchterlonie, SF2040 Chair, said: “The English Aquaculture Strategy is a vital component of the delivery of SF2040, and the opportunities and importance for this piece of work cannot be overstated. We look forward to the delivery of a piece of work that will help to provide a pathway for the growth of this sector in England over the next 20 years, based on the SF2040 foundations of collaboration, science and best practice."

Tim Huntington, Poseidon, added: “We are very pleased to have been awarded this work. The English aquaculture sector, whilst small compared to that in Scotland, deserves more recognition for its contribution to high quality regional food production. We intend to develop a strategy that builds upon this and takes it forward to meet the challenges and potential that the next twenty years will bring.”   

Further info

Find out further information on Seafood 2040 

View our Seafood is the Way Forward YouTube film