Webinar ‘marketing masterclasses’ for seafood businesses
We have announced a series of online marketing masterclasses. The events will be delivered by experts and are free for seafood businesses to attend.
These marketing masterclasses are being delivered as part of our efforts to promote and support seafood consumption. This work is driven by our Love Seafood consumer brand. Launched in October 2020 this ambitious long-term consumer initiative aims to help consumers across the UK reconnect with seafood. As well as targeting consumers directly, it also provides marketing tools and resources for businesses.

Event programme
Online webinars in the marketing masterclass series are:
Thursday 11 March | Maximising social media for business
Get insights on common social media queries and build knowledge on how to execute simple but effective social media strategies. Hosted by Head of Marketing at Seafish Greg Smith and delivered by Leah Silverlock from creative agency John Doe.
Thursday 18 March | An intro to local search engine optimisation
Learn how to find out what customers are searching for and how to make local SEO work for your business. Hosted by Head of Marketing at Seafish Greg Smith and delivered by Melissa Rynn from creative agency John Doe.
Monday 22 March | Restaurants responding to Covid-19
Hear from two restaurant owners on how they successfully adapted to the challenges brought by Covid-19. Hosted by Mark Sargeant, featuring Bob McCoubrey (Mourne Seafoods) and Campbell Mickel (Eddie’s Seafood Market and Merienda Restaurant).
The purpose of the masterclasses
The webinars are designed to give independent businesses owners a chance to build their marketing skills and knowledge. They will also provide an opportunity to learn how you can use the Love Seafood consumer brand.
The masterclasses have been developed with independent restaurants in mind, in response to significant challenges faced by the sector in the past year. Independent fishmongers and retailers and fish and chip shops are also welcome to attend.
Greg Smith, our Head of Marketing said:
Promoting seafood is the core of Seafish’s seafood marketing work. We’re looking to unite the seafood industry behind a single cause – inspiring the nation to fall in love with fish and shellfish. We’re targeting consumers directly with the Love Seafood consumer initiative. To amplify that, we’re also providing marketing tools and resources which help seafood businesses use the brand to engage with their customers.
The programme for our first series of online marketing masterclasses as an extension of this work. The webinars have been designed to give businesses a chance to learn how to apply key marketing concepts and how they can make the Love Seafood brand work hard for them.
We've developed the events to support independent restaurants, reflecting the challenges they have faced this past year. I’d also invite independent retailers and fish and chip shops to come along. The events are free but you do need to register to attend so I’d encourage businesses to book their place soon.
Book a place, find out more or get in touch
All of the masterclasses are open for booking now. Visit the event listings below to find out more about the events or get the link to register:
This news article was amended on 15 February 2021 to update the speaker for the event on 11 March