Press Office and Media Content | Seafish

Press Office and Media Content

Our Communications team is here to help with questions and requests from the media. Get in touch for support.

If you’ve got questions about the seafood industry in the UK we can help by sharing information or putting you in touch with our experts. We can also provide a range of high quality images and video.

Get in touch with our Press Office

Scott Inglis
PR and Communications Manager
0131 380 4513
07943 094584

Media releases and news

As the public body that supports the seafood industry in the UK we are uniquely placed to provide information about it. We share news and updates across all industry sectors and our releases feature information on a wide range of seafood related issues.

If you would like to sign up to a media mailing list to receive our press releases please contact

Information from experts

We have teams working on in range of area including:

  • seafood consumption, market information and insight
  • industry economics for fishing and seafood processing
  • responsible sourcing practices and sustainability in fishing and aquaculture
  • seafood careers, training and fishermen’s safety
  • regulatory requirements for domestic and international trade

We produce a wide range of publications including reports, factsheets and guidelines. You can use the search function on our website to browse our browse a range of factsheets, guidelines and reports.

We can also supply industry data and statistics and support you with fact-checking information. We can also provide comments to accompany news stories and spokespeople to interview for TV, radio or written articles. Please note, as a public body we do not make speculative comments on issues, but if we are unable to assist directly we will try to suggest alternative contacts.

Assets and content

Our online Dash media library features a comprehensive selection of seafood industry imagery available for download. Take a look at the image gallery below for an idea of the type of content available.

To access the full range of content you can visit our online media library. Please note: Before you can view or download images you will need to register for an account. To do this you simply need to click the ‘Register for an account’ link on the Log In page.

We also have a range of video content. Take a look at the videos below to browse some of our most popular short films. You can find all our short films and videos on our YouTube Channel.

A short film on the issues around marine litter and end-of life fishing gear.
A film showcasing the whole seafood industry, from catch to plate.

Seafish logos and branding

If you’re looking to access Seafish branding please contact Our brand team will provide you with a logo request form.