Aquaculture Leadership Group | Seafish

Aquaculture Leadership Group

The Aquaculture Leadership Group (ACG) will champion and govern the SF2040 recommendations that enhance the aquaculture sector.

The value of this group is in focusing on aquaculture improvements that are pragmatic in the short and long-term and enabling real change to support the shellfish industry to expand within realistic culture conditions. 

  Representation Name Company/Organisation
1. Chair James Fox-Davies Fowey Shellfish
2. Shellfish David Jarrad The Shellfish Association of Great Britain
3. Industry - fin fish Oliver Robinson British Trout Association
4. Industry - offshore mussel farmer John Holmyard Offshore Shellfish
5. Industry - oyster hatcheries Kelsey Thompson Morecambe Bay Oysters
6. Industry - oyster farmer Martin Syvret AquaFish Solutions Ltd
7. Seafish Aquaculture Dr Stuart McLanaghan Seafish
8. Defra

Ruth Allin
Sara Catahan

Freshwater Fisheries, Shellfish & Aquaculture
9. Aquaculture Science Dr Lewis Le Vay Centre for Applied Marine Sciences, Bangor University
10. Regulator

Roger Covey
Robert Whiteley

Natural England
11. Government Christopher Evans Cefas
12. Regulator

Dr Christopher Sweeting
Benjamin Coppin
Jennifer Ford
Fern Skeldon

Marine Management Organisation
13. Industry - Macroalgae

Angela Mead

Biome Algae Ltd
14. Industry - Crustacean

Elena Piana

Noola Redclaw

Other regulators and organisations – to be asked to attend meetings when relevant according to the work programme

  • Environment Agency
  • Food Standards Agency
  • The Crown Estate
  • Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities
  • Animal Health Welfare Board England

View the previous Seafood 2040 ALG Meeting Minutes (Year 4)

View the previous Seafood 2040 ALG Meeting Minutes (Year 3)

View the previous Seafood 2040 ALG Meeting Minutes (Year 2)

View the previous Seafood 2040 ALG Meeting Minutes (Year 1)