Seafood 2040 - Structure and Governance | Seafish

Seafood 2040 - Structure and Governance

Seafood 2040 is a collaborative project that reaches across the English seafood industry.

The 25 recommendations within it and the contributions they will make toward a truly thriving industry if achieved require partnership, innovation, and best practice.

Oversight and facilitation of the 25 recommendations are provided by the Seafood Industry Leadership Group (SILG) and Chair, Neil Auchterlonie. 

There are several sub-groups within SF2040 to drive and support specific recommendations on behalf of SILG such as the Aquaculture Leadership Group, chaired by James Fox-Davies, and the Infrastructure Task and Finish Group, whose membership is yet to be determined. The Seafish Experts Panel will also contribute to specific recommendations.

SF2040 has partners to progress and achieve the call to arms within the Strategic Framework:

  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
  • The Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish)
  • Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (Cefas)
  • Food Standards Agency (FSA)
  • Environment Agency (EA)
  • Seafood Industry Alliance (SIA)
  • British Ports Association (BPA)
  • Seafood Exporters Group
  • UK Association of Fish Producer Organisations
  • Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
  • Public Health England (PHE)
  • Seafood Marketing Optimisation Group