Invitation to Tender: Supporting the commercial uptake of selective fishing gear | Seafish

Invitation to Tender: Supporting the commercial uptake of selective fishing gear

On behalf of the UK Gear Forum, Seafish is seeking a partner to deliver a new project to support the commercial uptake of selective fishing gears.

Despite the UK's strong tradition of innovation in selective fishing gear, the industry continues to face significant challenges in integrating successful gear trials into commercial fishing practices.

There are several factors that contribute to the low rate of adoption or uptake of new selective gear designs by the commercial fishing sector: cost, practicality in use and potential reductions in catch rates. A further factor is the process to secure regulatory approval to commercially use a modified or new gear innovation once a gear trial has successfully concluded.

This issue is often cited by the catching sector as a ‘block’ on its ability to deliver environmental and efficiency improvements, although there is currently an absence of tangible examples to substantiate this.

The main goal of this project is to support the commercial adoption and use of new and modified selective fishing gear designs. It is anticipated that this framework will offer various benefits to regulators, fishers, the seafood industry and society at large.

The closing date for responses is 5pm on Friday 7 March 2025

Full information can be found in the Invitation to Tender: