Complaints Procedure | Seafish

Complaints Procedure

If you are unhappy with the service you have received or the information you have been given by us, there are three steps in our complaints procedure.

Step 1 

Contact the person you have been dealing with. They should be able to resolve the problem.

Step 2

If your concerns are not dealt with to your satisfaction and you want to escalate the matter, you should ask for contact details for the Director responsible for that work area. They will acknowledge and log your issue and will respond within 15 working days. If a response within 15 working days is not possible, the Director will write to you explaining why and when you may expect a full reply.

Step 3

If your concerns are still not dealt with to your satisfaction and you wish to make a more formal complaint, you should put your complaint in writing to our Chief Executive Officer at the address below. They will acknowledge your complaint and will respond fully within 15 working days. If a response within 15 working days is not possible, the CEO will write to you explaining why and when you may expect a full reply.

Contact us

We can be contacted by email or by post using the details below:


18 Logie Mill

If you’re still not satisfied

Seafish is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). You can contact Defra if you if you feel that your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved by us.

The Defra Service Standards Adjudicator can be contacted by email or post using the details below:


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Area 5B
Nobel House
17 Smith Square