Utilisation in 2014 of the Quota Exchange and Access Entitlement in the EU Faroe Bi-lateral Agreement — Seafish

Utilisation in 2014 of the Quota Exchange and Access Entitlement in the EU Faroe Bi-lateral Agreement

An analysis of the fish catching activity enabled by the EU Faroe Bi-lateral Agreement in 2014 has been undertaken. Uptake by UK fishing vessels of the quota available through the exchange element of the agreement and uptake of the opportunity to fish for UK held quota in Faroese waters was analysed. Uptake by vessels from the rest of the EU and where possible the uptake by Faroese vessels is also included. Interviews were undertaken with UK pelagic industry representatives on the impact of the agreement on their sector. The analysis was requested by the Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group.
Publication date
01 November 2015


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