A Review of Handling Practices for Mussels in the UK, Holland and New Zealand — Seafish

A Review of Handling Practices for Mussels in the UK, Holland and New Zealand

Handling practices for mussels in the Wash Fishery have been compared with those of the Dutch Fishery. Further comparisons have been made with a New Zealand code of practice and information from Tasmania. In general the UK mussel fishery is shown to be poorly organised and producing a relatively low grade raw material. Quality control practices including purification and post harvest temperature and live holding conditions leave room for immediate improvement but the report shows the importance of an integrated development of the mussel industry. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 June 1985


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