Subsea Strathspey Project Analysis of Risks from Fisheries Activities — Seafish

Subsea Strathspey Project Analysis of Risks from Fisheries Activities

This report contains the findings of a study carried out by Seafish to assess the risks to a proposed underwater wellhead/manifold assembly to be established by the client at a defined location. A feature of the assembly is the relatively short expected operating life and the proposed absence of surface installations for much of the operating period of the installation. The study addresses itself to identifying current and future levels of fishing activitiy in the area, the loads to be carried by the underwater assembly should fishing gears come into contact with it, and possible means of preventing such contact. As part of the study Seafish have produced a chartlet which it is proposed could be circulated widely to fishing vessel skippers likely to operate in the area.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 1991


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