Seafish briefing - Organisations addressing labour issues in the fishing and aquaculture sector. April 2016. — Seafish

Seafish briefing - Organisations addressing labour issues in the fishing and aquaculture sector. April 2016.

Since approximately 2006, various concerns regarding abuses of workers engaged in the seafood industry have steadily attracted more attention, from the media and civil society advocacy groups. The main concern has been reports of coercive treatment of certain categories of both sea and land-based workers, through abusive labour and recruitment practices variously referred to as slavery or slavery-like practices, forced and bonded labour, human trafficking, as well as serious forms of child labour. This has led to more monitoring, and a wide range of governmental, inter-governmental and NGO initiatives to address the concerns. There have been a number of studies into the scale of the issue but further study is required in order to determine the international scale of human rights and labour abuses in the seafood industry. This briefing note: details some of the key reviews that have looked at the scale of labour issues in the fishing and seafood sectors; and lists the organisations addressing labour rights in the fishing sector. This document was originally produced in March 2015 and was updated in April 2016.
Publication date
01 April 2016


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