FS27-04.09_Fishing vessel fuel emissions — Seafish

FS27-04.09_Fishing vessel fuel emissions

Responding to climate change by reducing both the amount of waste generated, and the amount of toxic substances released into the environment is a smart choice for the fishing industry. Carbon footprints relate to how much Greenhouse gases are emitted. For the fishing sector emissions are influenced by a number of factors including the abundance of fish (stocks), the steaming distance to fishing grounds, and the fishing technology used. But there are options a skipper can adopt to reduce a vessels carbon footprint by reducing fuel consumption. This fact sheet describes the fuel used by the fishing sector, it outlines the current emissions regulations and how these may affect the fishing industry. It also provides an overview of a fishing vessels ‘carbon footprint’ and how it can be improved.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 April 2009


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