utlook for European brown crab: Understanding brown crab production and consumption in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal
- Summary
- This report provides information on the production systems and consumption patterns in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal. Information covers: Stocks (the geographical and ecological context for the source of brown crab – waters of the North East Atlantic concerning the UK, Rep of Ireland, France mainly). Capture production. Transport and distribution (concerning the movement of brown crab between stages of production: road, sea and air). Processing/storage (concerning receiving/preparation/preservation and packing of brown crab) Market/Sales outlet (concerning export/retail/food service/wholesale – UK, Rep of Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and external export markets). Consumption (concerning in-home and out of home consumption). Waste (concerning the collection/treatment of waste products – including packaging to landfill, incineration, recycling, or composting).
- Author
- A Garrett et al
- Publication date
- 01 June 2015
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