The Effect of Product/Process Variables on the Textural Quality of Formed Fillets and their Market Acceptability — Seafish

The Effect of Product/Process Variables on the Textural Quality of Formed Fillets and their Market Acceptability

Previous work has shown the technical feasibility of producing formed portions of a variety of accurately controlled sizes and shapes from under-utilised or undervalued white fish species. The process and product were shown to have distinct production and marketing advantages, the tight control of portion weight being particularly advantageous to the catering trade, but there was adverse comment from the trade on the ‘rubbery’ texture of the portions produced. This project was to determine the cause of and to rectify the problem of texture, and to investigate the acceptability to the consumer of portions formed from low cost raw material of various white fish species. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 August 1985


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