Biofuel for the Fishing Industry Final Report — Seafish

Biofuel for the Fishing Industry Final Report

Since 2004 the price of diesel fuel oil has increased significantly, causing many fishing vessels to become unprofitable. At the same time biofuels has increased in prominence as a long-term replacement for non renewable fossil fuels. This report details a research and development project to investigate the potential of biofuels for the fishing industry, which took place between October 05 and Jan 08. In the project two types of fuel are studied, biodiesel and pure plant oil. Over the course of the study both fuels were tested on land and at sea and proved to be technically successful. The main driver for uptake of the alternative technology in the fishing industry is economic and our study found that in most cases fossil fuels will remain more cost effective for fishing business in the short to medium term. That said there may be some opportunities in more remote communities where used vegetable oil is available and the cost of transporting diesel oil into the area push the price above that of locally produced biofuels. In terms of environmental credentials biofuels are generally sustainable but there are a number of issues which perspective purchasers need to consider which may overall green credentials of their biofuel.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 September 2008


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