Trials to determine the nitrogen factor of both UK and Imported fillet and minced cod blocks — Seafish

Trials to determine the nitrogen factor of both UK and Imported fillet and minced cod blocks

A code of Practice on the declaration and labelling of fish content in fishery products was recently drawn up by participants from Industry and Enforcement Agencies. Enforcement officers will use this Code of Practice wherever there is a need to consider the correct declaration of fish content. The Code currently contains interim nitrogen factors for fish ingredient (used to determine fish content) which have been obtained by reducing the available data on nitrogen content of fish straight from the sea by amounts thought to accord with the effect of good manufacturing practice (GMP). There is a need to carry out trials to determine the actual nitrogen content of GMP products to replace these interim values. This report is concerned with trials carried out between December 2001 and September 2003 to determine the nitrogen factor of fish ingredient of double frozen fillet and mince blocks produced under GMP in the UK. Sampling took into account both seasionality and raw-material capture area. In addition, samples were taken at key stages to determine the effect of processing. Trials were also carried out to determine the nitrogen factor of the equivalent single and double frozen blocks imported into the UK from five different countries.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 September 2004


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