2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features — Seafish

2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features

The 2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet during 2012 and 2013. This is the eighth edition of this annual report this year adding sections on employment, GVA and debt repayment. It is also the first of these reports to incorporate infographics. The information presented in this publication is a comprehensive and accurate reflection of the financial performance of the UK fishing fleet and is used by a wide range of people across industry, government and academia. We hope that availability of accurate economic data and expert analysis of fleet performance will be used to enhance fisheries management and benefit the UK fleet in the long-run especially now as we move toward the Landings Obligation.
Publication date
01 May 2014


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