Appraisal of Marine Environmental Regulatory Developments — Seafish

Appraisal of Marine Environmental Regulatory Developments

This paper concerns the current position of marine environmental legislation in the UK. There is, of course, a large amount of legislation in the marine area, but much of this is irrelevant to the scope of this paper. The concern here is the marine environment so legislation relating to transport, fishing etc will not be covered. Also when talking about the environment there is a large amount of legislation in the marine area about pollution. This is not covered in any depth either because this is not a concern to the industry. The focus here then is the rapidly increasing amount of legislation which does impact and has the potential to impact on the industry. This includes protection of wildlife, habitats and biodiversity, the proposals for marine spatial planning, coastal zone management and environmental liability and assessments.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 January 2009


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