A Demonstration Project Examining High Quality and Selective Haddock Fishing by Scottish Vessels — Seafish

A Demonstration Project Examining High Quality and Selective Haddock Fishing by Scottish Vessels

A detailed project was undertaken to examine the abilities of a group of vessels to selectively target haddock under their normal fishing practices and patterns. The study was carried out by the SFIA between August 2003 and September 2004. The data for the study was collected during a number of observation trips undertaken between August 2003 and August 2004. The focus of the study was to ascertain whether such vessels could successfully target haddock at a commercial level, avoiding the catch of large numbers of the pressurised cod stock. Data was collected from each participating vessel in order to quantify the actual volume of haddock and cod being fished during the observed trip.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 2005


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