Seafish Brussels Update 07/07/2017 – 14/07/2017 — Seafish

Seafish Brussels Update 07/07/2017 – 14/07/2017

EU and UK positions on citizens’ rights: First phase of Brexit negotiations; EP Constitutional Affairs Committee exchange of views with Guy Verhofstadt Parliament's coordinator for the negotiations on UK withdrawal from the EU; Speaking points by Michel Barnier after College meeting; State of play of Article 50 negotiations with the UK; Seychelles Fishery products derived from tuna species; EC Update on GSP+ countries; Sri Lanka; Philippines; European Commission start debate on Trade and Sustainable Development in EU Trade Agreements; EU and Canada agree to set date for provisional application of CETA; Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and protocol with Côte d'Ivoire
Publication date
01 July 2017


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