Kilkeel Fishmarket Extension — Seafish

Kilkeel Fishmarket Extension

The Northern Ireland Fishing Harbour Authority (NIFHA) is currently committed to a programme of harbour works at Kilkeel that involve the extension of quay walls and the market building to improve the operations of unloading, sale and lay-by berthing of boats. Seafish were requested by the NIFHA to advise upon the structure and configuration of the proposed extension to the existing market in light of the proposed EC Hygiene Regulations. Kilkeel is the largest port on the Co Down Coast and supports a fleet of some 114 vessels in excess of 10m registered length. The value of landings is about £7 million (1988) with nephrops, cod and whiting being the predominant species. This report provides a little background of the intended regulations and of local operational practice, and makes detailed recommendations relating to the hygienic design and construction of the building. It makes specific recommendation for a secure, chilled section of the market for prawn (nephrops) sales. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 November 1989


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