Appropriate Assessments Case Study 2_Oyster fishery in the Solent — Seafish

Appropriate Assessments Case Study 2_Oyster fishery in the Solent

An industry application was made in conjunction with Southern Sea Fisheries Committee (SSFC) to open and remove commercial quantities of oysters from the Solent using oyster dredges during 2005 and 2006. English Nature (EN) were consulted on 4 May 2005. They indicated that the plan or project was likely to have significant effects on: - Intertidal mudflats and sand flats within the Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protected Area (SPA) and Ramsar sites should boats be used over the intertidal areas at or around high water. - The sub-tidal sediment communities sub-feature of the estuary feature for the following SAC estuaries – Yar Estuary, Beaulieu Estuary, Newtown Harbour Estuary and Kings Quay Estuary – and, in particular, any impacts upon the biological communities upon the tidal deltas at the mouths of these estuaries within the SAC boundary. - The ‘sub-tidal gravely sand and sand’ and ‘sub-tidal eelgrass Zostera marina beds’ sub-features of sub-tidal sand bank features. - Offsite impacts upon intertidal areas used by SPA birds below mean low water but above highest astronomical tides. - Possible disturbance caused by boats operating for prolonged periods close to intertidal areas used by SPA birds.
Publication date
01 January 2007


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