Brixham Fish Market Study — Seafish

Brixham Fish Market Study

For a number of years Torbay Council and its partners have been working to put in place an effective plan for the regeneration of the town of Brixham, including the provision of fisheries infrastructures that would ensure the long-term viability of the local fleet and fish-related businesses. Previous studies identified major problems in the port relating to lack of space, poor road access, insufficient parking and inadequate and unhygienic facilities for the landing and sale of fish, its processing and onward distribution. As a first stop to the regeneration of the town, Torbay Development Agency (TDA) is planning a new fish market and landing quay to be built on reclaimed land and for the existing fish market to be upgraded to provide modern hygienic facilities that will accommodate fish processing and storage.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 April 2005


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