Mussel Purification Laboratory Scale Trials of Deep Stack Purification Combining Re-use of Artificial Seawater and Direct Aeration — Seafish

Mussel Purification Laboratory Scale Trials of Deep Stack Purification Combining Re-use of Artificial Seawater and Direct Aeration

To make large scale mussel purification more cost effective and to improve its control, Seafish has developed a modular, deep stacking purification tank in which artificial seawater is re-used many times. Having demonstrated in principle that the system would work, as described in TR's 312 and 339, Seafish has now conducted trials with a deep stacking purification tank using direct aearation instead of water circulation to further decrease the costs of the system. A direct aearation system is cheaper as it does not need expensive pumping equipment.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 February 1989


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