Sustainable discard reduction in the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery — Seafish

Sustainable discard reduction in the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery

There is a recognised problem surrounding the issue of discarding whitefish in the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery. Both local fishermen and DEFRA are aware of the need to make changes to current operations and are committed to reducing discards while encouraging the take up of technical conservation methods. This project explores the potential for reducing the fishing effort on cod, haddock and whiting by increasing the earning potential for the Nephrops catch component with a live (tubed) landing regime. Overall, this project was an industry lead responsible fishing initiative leading to a more sustainable fishery. <sup>Keywords</sup>: Nephrops, Farne Deeps, whitefish discard reduction, sustainable fishery
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 February 2008
  • Technical Report
  • .Web-Responsible Sourcing


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