Fuel Flow Metering for Fishing Vessels Phase-1 Preliminary Report — Seafish

Fuel Flow Metering for Fishing Vessels Phase-1 Preliminary Report

The objective of the Phase 1 work was to assess the available technology in terms of quoted specification, cost, transducer type and installation requirements, with a view to selecting devices to test. Work on Phase 1 formally started on 21 July 2008 and the agreed duration for the complete project was 2-3 months. From early discussions with suppliers of fuel flow meters, it became apparent that lead times for the supply of certain meters could be as much as one month. Given the proposed project duration and these supply times, it was vital to expedite decisions on which fuel meters would be tested within the programme. This report summarises findings thus far during Phase 1 of the work, to allow devices with long supply lead times to be ordered in time to ensure the project will complete to schedule. Decisions made on the devices to be tested are reported herein. These devices were selected in consultation with a representative SeaFISH during a meeting held on 24th July. As it is presented at a very preliminary stage of the work, it should be appreciated that the materials presented herein may be revised by the time of presentation of the final project report. The research team have already encountered one result that will significantly effect the direction of the work.
Publication date
01 August 2008


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