SR624_The survival of skates (Rajidae) caught by demersal trawlers fishing in UK waters_IPF B007 and C107 — Seafish

SR624_The survival of skates (Rajidae) caught by demersal trawlers fishing in UK waters_IPF B007 and C107

Skates and rays are a common component of mixed demersal fisheries, and large quantities may be discarded. Given their biological vulnerability, understanding the fate of these elasmobranchs is of management concern. Estimates of discard survival are needed for modelling the possible benefits of management measures. In this study, the focus is on the Bristol Channel skate fishery, where on-board holding tanks were used to assess the short-term rates of survival of trawl-caught skates (Rajidae). From monitoring the survival rates of 162 fish kept in specially designed on-board holding tanks for periods of up to 72 h, the short-term rate of survival was 55%. Keywords: Otter trawl, Ray, Skate. Survival, UK fisheries
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 January 2009


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