Designation of Auction Centres and Registration of Buyers and Sellers of First Sale Fish — Seafish

Designation of Auction Centres and Registration of Buyers and Sellers of First Sale Fish

A new scheme is being introduced that will require buyers and sellers of first sale fish and shellfish landed into the UK to register with Fisheries Departments. It will also require the designation of auction centres and fish markets at which such fish is sold. Fisheries Departments have established a joint implementation advisory group with stakeholders to provide advice on implementing the new scheme. This guide has been produced with the aim of providing informal, non-statutory guidance for businesses of what is required of them in order to register (whether a fish auction centre, or as a buyer or seller of fish), submit sales notes and maintain appropriate records of first sale fish. This guide is advisory and does not have any legal status. Ultimately, only the courts can decide whether, in particular circumstances, an offence has been committed.
Publication date
01 May 2005


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