An Evaluation of the Re-measurement of the Community Fishing Fleet in Units of Gross Tonnes — Seafish

An Evaluation of the Re-measurement of the Community Fishing Fleet in Units of Gross Tonnes

EC/3259/94, 95/84/EC, 97/S161-103655 The SFIA is currently undertaking a contract, awarded by the Commission of the EU, to evaluate the procedures adopted, the progress made, by each maritime member state to comply with the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) 3259/94 (amending Regulation 2930/86) and Commission Decision 95/84/EC. This Regulation (and the associated Decision) introduced a unified system for the tonnage measurement of fishing vessels throughout the European Union based on the technical provisions of the London Convention (ITC'69. This confidential report is intended to describe the progress made to date in the performance of the contract, to outline the external expenditure incurred (which the contract specifies is to be reimbursed at cost), and to spport the Authority's invoice for the intermediate payment.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 1999


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