Use of waste as a biofuel and fertiliser in Orkney_C008 — Seafish

Use of waste as a biofuel and fertiliser in Orkney_C008

Shellfish processors want simple, local, cost-effective solutions for managing shellfish waste. Anaerobic digestion (AD) has been identified as a potential solution for shellfish waste treatment. The process produces methane which can be used to generate energy and digestate (fertiliser) which has applications in agriculture and horticulture. Heat and Power Ltd. were part funded by Seafish to evaluate the potential of AD as a solution for Orkney based shellfish and food processors. The main aims of the project were to consider whether AD could reduce commercial waste disposal costs and establish a sustainable waste management solution for the island. It included a small-scale batch digester trial on crab shells. This report summarises AD technology, suitable food wastes in Orkney and results of a small-scale batch trial on crab processing waste.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 2009


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