Scallop Working Group Briefing Paper PSP and DSP in Bivalve Molluscs — Seafish

Scallop Working Group Briefing Paper PSP and DSP in Bivalve Molluscs

Extensive closures of scallop fisheries were experienced in the summer of 1995 due to toxic algal outbreaks of PSP. This lead to an increase in the need for sample monitoring and a heightened awareness of the problems associated with the toxic algal contamination of bivalve shellfish. This briefing paper was produced for the Scallop Working Group meeting on the 23rd February 1996. It provides some background information about the different types of toxic algae and their effects and outlines the current legal position regarding product standards and monitoring. The Scallop Working Group is a cross sectoral industry group of fishermen's associations, buyers and processors which meets regularly to discuss issues of concern to the scallop industry.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 January 1996


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