Pilot trials to determine the benefits of high pressure processing (HPP) for seafood in the UK Report on phase 2 studies: — Seafish

Pilot trials to determine the benefits of high pressure processing (HPP) for seafood in the UK Report on phase 2 studies:

In the first phase of the project, high pressure processing studies were carried out on 11 species of fish and shellfish in order to determine whether there were any potential processing benefits for the UK seafood processing industry. The seafood products tested were nephrops, mussels, oysters, crab, cold water prawns, lobster, warm water prawns, unsmoked salmon, squid, mackerel and cod. The results from the first phase of the project can be found in report reference FMT/REP/95900/1. Five products were short-listed for further work; these were nephrops, warm water prawns, crab, salmon and cod. Trials on crab, warm water prawns and nephrops focused on large scale picking/peeling trials to determine whether product yield benefits identified in phase 1 were transferrable to larger scale processing. Trials on salmon and cod focused on pasteurisation and shelf-life evaluation.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 July 2008


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