Opportunities for Composite Fillet Portions of Blue Whiting in Inst. Catering. — Seafish

Opportunities for Composite Fillet Portions of Blue Whiting in Inst. Catering.

A market research study carried out on behalf of the White Fish Authority (WFA) in may 1979 (Ref) to determine the acceptability of sample composite fillet portions of blue whiting in fried fish outlets in the north west of England, indicated that although the portions were well received, there was unlikely to be a demand for the product in the frying trade in current circumstances. The composite fillet concept appeared to be perfectly acceptable to the friers interviewed, but potential usage in the trade would be governed by factors such as attitudes towards frozen fish and the supremacy of cod as the main selling species. It was therefore decided to conduct a similar exercise in the non commercial sector of the catering market. Composite fillet portions of blue whiting, manufactured on a trial basis at Torry Research Station as before, were demonstrated at personal interviews with caterers in hospitals, schools and industrial canteens. The research, carried out in the early summer of 1980, indicated that there could well be potential for composite fillet portions of white fish in institutional catering. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 September 1980


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