Improving the post harvest care of small shrimp — Seafish

Improving the post harvest care of small shrimp

Initial investigations have shown that it is possible for shrimp cooked at sea to meet the temperature requirements of both the Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations for cooked products and E.C. Fishery Products Directive, which willcome into force in January 1993. This is by the use of direct and indirect icing and insulated fish boxes to hold the cooked shrimp, on board vessel. Icing the cooked shrimp at sea also significantly extends the subsequent storage life of the product. It has also been shown possible to hold uncooked brown shrimp in ice onboard and then transfer the cooking operation ashore and produce a satisfactory product. However, during these initial trials this practice was not found to be satisfactory with pink shrimp.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 May 1992


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