Initial Trials to Extend the Storage life of Cod and mackerel using Sodium Hypochlorite or Ozone to Treat Ice and Refrigerated Seawater — Seafish

Initial Trials to Extend the Storage life of Cod and mackerel using Sodium Hypochlorite or Ozone to Treat Ice and Refrigerated Seawater

Despite diminishing fish stocks and the higher prices which can be attained for top quality fish, poor quality fish is still being landed into UK ports. As well as addressing the more traditional handling problems Seafish has identified the use of techniques such as ozonation and chlorination which may enable the improvement of fish quality by reducing the rate of bacterial spoilage. Trials were carried out to determine the effect of sodium hypochlorite and ozone on the quality of cod and mackerel in treated ice or RSW. Holding mackerel in RSW treated with sodium hypochlorite reduced the rate of bacterial spoilage by over 50%; little improvement was seen in the quality of cod.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 July 1996


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