Efficient Use of Energy in Fish Harvesting_Interim Meeting — Seafish

Efficient Use of Energy in Fish Harvesting_Interim Meeting

The principal rationale to hold a meeting related to the premise that fish harvesting utilises more energy to produce a kilgramme of product than any other in the food producing industry. The fishing industry should, therefore find ways of optimising its energy consumption. Responsible approaches to harvesting operations must be found that yield the desired quantity and composition of fish while at the same time being fuel efficient. This concept coincides with the need to optimise energy consumption in the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible fishing which is also a concept being developed by the Canadian Government. The objective of the meeting was to bring together those in the inernational community who are working on research, development and commercial projects in responsible fishing operations to avoid duplication of effort.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 1996


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