Fact Sheet: Seafish activities in relation to the Landing Obligation. December 2017 — Seafish

Fact Sheet: Seafish activities in relation to the Landing Obligation. December 2017

Under the revised Common Fisheries Policy a Landing Obligation (LO) is being introduced gradually, between 2015 and 2019 for all commercial fisheries (species under TACs, or under minimum sizes) in European waters. Seafish’s work on the LO is diverse and cuts across a number of work streams. We are providing valuable services to industry and government and our coordination role in communicating about ongoing projects is limiting duplication of work. This paper summarises our recent, current and future activities. These activities have been agreed by Seafish’s three Sector Panels and demonstrate a commitment to help industry meet the challenges of the LO. Key work areas for Seafish are: economic implications; gear selectivity; the Seafish Discard Action Group; briefings and guidance; outreach; a project to assess the impact of the LO on the UK supply chain; sectoral support; and marketing and communications.
Publication date
01 December 2017


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