Seafish response to the proposed marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in English waters — Seafish

Seafish response to the proposed marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in English waters

Seafish does not possess the local data required to provide an accurate response to both the scientific case and the socio-economic impacts for each of the proposed European marine sites (EMS). We have therefore provided a general response that is applicable to all 10 sites because it addresses shortcomings that seem to be common to all or most. As a first and very general observation the means by which the current consultation has been conducted reveals a possible lack of understanding of the structure of the catching sector, the functions of its representative bodies, and the likelihood that individual fishermen will respond to documents of this nature. Our canvassing of individual operatives shows an extremely low level of awareness of the exercise, an even lower level of those who have even looked at the documents and a pretty infinitesimal number who have read, understood and responded. The original conssultation can be viewed at:
Publication date
01 February 2010


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