A Preliminary Study of the Costs of Operating a Lobster Hatchery in Orkney and the Development of an Economic Model for Future Hatchery Programmes — Seafish

A Preliminary Study of the Costs of Operating a Lobster Hatchery in Orkney and the Development of an Economic Model for Future Hatchery Programmes

As part of the UK Lobster Stock Enhancement programme, the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) conducted a series of juvenile lobster (Homarus gammarus) releases in Scapa Flow, Orkney. Hatchery operations and the results of the different trials have been summarised in several reports and articles (Burton 1992, Beard & Wickins 1992, Bannister et al 1994, Burton 1994, Anon 1995, Cook 1995, Burton 1999, Burton in press).
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 April 2002


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