Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group Meeting, London, 17 September 2013 — Seafish

Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group Meeting, London, 17 September 2013

FLEG Minutes: Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Fisheries control regulation – traceability enforcement, electronic information transfer, supply chain complexity, integration with existing traceability systems, retail, working group; Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation – consumer information; Imports and exports, Faroese herring and mackerel, IUU, trade agreements with Central American countries; Hygiene regulations, date of freezing, FSA updates, parasite guidance, Codex E. coli standard, norovirus, brown meat of crab, yessotoxin limits, French request regarding preservation of fisheries products and temperature of melting ice ; The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013; Asthma risk of workers in fish processing; shellfish registration documents; food fraud; Labelfish workshop.
Publication date
01 November 2013


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