Scallop Dredge Selectivity_Contribution of tooth spacing, mesh and ring size; Part I West of Scotland sea trials — Seafish

Scallop Dredge Selectivity_Contribution of tooth spacing, mesh and ring size; Part I West of Scotland sea trials

Currently most of the dredge fisheries for scallops (both the great or king scallop Pecten maximus and the queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis) are unregulated by technical measures prescribing design features of the dredge. Concern about the capture of undersized scallops resulted in the Seafish Scallop Working Group recommending that technical measures be introduced in dredges targeting Pecten in order to increase size selectivity. The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which tooth spacing, mesh size and ring size could be used to effect size selection in dredges targeting Pecten.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 October 1997


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