Study of the Southern Section of the English East Coast Fishing Industry — Seafish

Study of the Southern Section of the English East Coast Fishing Industry

A comprehensive overview of the fishery and associated industry is included. The current fish stock situation in the North Sea in particular as it affects the cod quota allocation emerges as a vitally important local issue to the majority of inshore fishers. The Wash fishery is heavily dependant upon shellfish resources and there are two areas of concern there viz. the impact of impending EC fish hygiene regulations and the serious decline of molluscan shellfish stocks in 1989. Lowestoft's offshore fishery dependent mainly on the plaice is buoyant and indeed the frustration there is that of constraint investment owing to the overall UK fleet's perceived over production. There are problems with regard to repayment of investment with the new fish market.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 April 1990


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